Request for Proposals Consulting Services
Solomon Islands Electricity Authority T/A Solomon Power aims to provide a safe, reliable, affordable and accessible supply of electricity to the Solomon Islands. Our vision is about energising our Nation. We are working with our stakeholders towards Nation building through increasing the footprint of the electricity network and making electricity accessible and affordable to more people in the Solomon Islands.
Request for Proposals
Consulting Services
Employer: Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (Solomon Power)
Contract title: Detailed Concept Design for Honiara Grid’s Battery Energy Storage System
Country: Solomon Islands
Issued on: 18 October 2019
- Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA), trading as Solomon Power (SP) is a State Owned Enterprise (SOE) of the Solomon Islands Government which is solely responsible to provide Electricity in the Solomon Islands. SP under the Solomon Islands Government’s Electricity Act of 1969; owns, maintains and operates the national electricity grid in the Solomon Islands.The challenges of integrating solar generation system and a hydro generation system with the existing diesel generation system requires a detailed study to recommend strategy for the stability of power supply considering the variable nature of Solar and to a limited extend hydro generation in terms of constraints on water for generation. Solomon Power is considering a Battery Energy Storage system.
- The Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (Solomon Power) now invites sealed proposals to provide the consulting services for the Detailed Concept Design for Honiara Grid’s Battery Energy Storage System. Details of the services are provided in the Terms of Reference (ToR) document which can be obtained upon request by email to: and The complete Request For Proposal documents in English may be obtained upon registering at:
- A Pre-Proposal meeting will take place at the following date, time and place. Note, the pre-proposal meeting is notDate: 1st November 2019
Time:10.00am (Honiara Time)
Place: 1st Floor, Board Room.
Solomon Power will conduct a site visit after the pre-proposal meeting - Both electronic and hard copy submissions are allowed. Electronic submissions are to be made to this email: and hard copy submissions must be delivered to the address given below. All submissions must be made on or before 10.00am on 22nd November, 2019. Late proposals will be rejected. Proposals will be publicly opened at the address below at 10.15am on 22nd November, 2019.
- The proposal submission address referred to above is:
Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (Solomon Power)
Mr. Hemant Kumar, General Manager Capital Works
1st Floor, Solomon Power, Ranadi Head Office
City: Honiara
Telephone number: +677 38801 or +677 7496783
Fax number: +677 39472
E-mail address:
Web Page: