PLANNED POWER OUTAGE NOTICE (Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th July 2016)

Solomon Power advises all customers that there will be planned power outages as follows:

  1. Day: Saturday 16th July 2016
    Time: 9am to 5pm
  2. Areas affected: Lengakiki areas, Mbumburu, Titinge, Mbokona, Choviri, Kaibia Heights, West Vavaya Ridge, Mbokonavera 1, 2, 3 and 4, Tehamurina, Ngossi, Lower Koa Hill, Tasahe

This is necessary for linemen to carry out urgent maintenance work on distribution network

  1. Day: Sunday 17th July 2016
    Time: 9am to 4pm
  2. Areas affected: GBR, RAMSI Street and surrounding areas

Customers are advised to take necessary standby measures during the mentioned times.
Please remember to treat all lines as live at all times.
Solomon Power apologizes for the inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your understanding