Directors Of Solomon Power – Call For Expressions Of Interest

Directors Of Solomon Power – Call For Expressions Of Interest

As required by the State Owned Enterprises (SOE) Act of 2007 and the 2010 Regulations made under that Act, the Board of the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority trading as Solomon Power (SP) hereby calls for Expressions of Interest from those persons who wish to be considered for the position of Director of the Board of SP.

SP is an autonomous, Government- owned statutory authority, which is responsible for the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity in the Solomon Islands.

Over recent years a significant improvement in the commercial sustainability of the SP has been achieved. The prudent management has now resulted in a situation where SP is able to commit to a SBD$1 billion capital works program over the next five or so years that will further improve the reliability in Honiara and at the outstations and see the development of new outstations.

SP is all about Nation-building. Having improved its financial position, SP now considers the next phase to be about increasing the footprint of the electricity network and make electricity accessible to more Solomon Islanders. SP has now embarked upon an aggressive strategy of electricity network growth in Honiara and the Provinces.

SP is seeking candidates who have recent or/and relevant qualifications and experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Appropriate higher education qualifications preferably tertiary in Economics, Business Management, Finance or Law
  • Recent directorship and experience in public, private and/or SOEs together with a good understanding of the Electricity Act 1997, SOE Act 2007 and the associated regulations
  • Good financial and commercial abilities in any large and successful private organisation
  • Demonstrated experience in corporate strategic planning and business management
  • Strong proven corporate governance and risk management experience

Those interested should acquaint themselves with the requirements of the SOE Act and its related Regulations and submit a Resume or CV to:

The Chairman,
Solomon Power,
P O Box 6, Ranadi

Or by email to: Applications close on 10th September 2021