Request for Bids – TOR Valuation

Request for Bids (RFB)



Employer: Solomon Islands Electricity Authority T/A Solomon Power
Project: 2021 SP Property Appraisal Services
Contract Title: Carrying out 2021 Valuation work on all SP properties.

1. The Solomon Islands Electricity Authority T/A Solomon Power now invites sealed Bids from eligible bidders who will demonstrate with appropriate qualifications needed to carry out valuation work on all SP properties in Honiara and the outstations.

2. Bidding will be conducted via the Solomon Power Bidding procedures and is open to all 2021 licensed and eligible valuation practitioners.

3. Copy of the Terms of Reference can be obtained from Mr. Dalton Maesia at the Solomon Power Ranadi Head Office.

4. Bids must be delivered in sealed envelopes labelled with the address provided below and hand-delivered to the Solomon Power Ranadi Head Office on or before 12.00 pm on Tuesday 13th July 2021.

2021 SP property Valuation
Solomon Power
Ranadi Head Office
P.O Box 6
Solomon Islands

Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders or their designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the Solomon Power Ranadi Head Office on Tuesday 13th July 2021 at 12.10 pm or soon thereafter.

5. All enquiries related to the bidding documents are to be directed to Mr. Dalton Maesia, Manager Lands, Buildings & Fleet, Solomon Power on telephone 42390 Extension 2441 or via email: